At William Cobbett Primary school, we aim to provide a safe, caring and friendly environment for all our pupils to allow them to learn effectively, improve their life chances and help them maximise their potential.
Every pupil has the right to feel safe in school, including an understanding of the issues relating to safety, such as bullying. We also want them to feel confident to seek support from school should they feel unsafe or concerned.
Every child should be able to learn in a school environment free from bullying of any kind and in which they feel safe and supported. There is no place for bullying in our schools and communities and each of us involved in education has a role in creating a culture in schools where bullying is not tolerated (Safe to Learn 2007). We have a duty to ensure that all groups with protected characteristics are celebrated and are proactively protected from discrimination (disability, ethnicity, culture, religious belief, national origin, gender or sexual orientation).
At William Cobbett, we understand that children sometimes make mistakes and do not always make the right choices. We do not label children as ‘bullies’, but instead talk about ‘children who have bullied’. Bullying behaviour is always dealt with and in our behaviour policy is a ‘red’ behaviour which is dealt with by a member of SLT. We support children who have bullied others and help them to change their behaviour using it as an educational opportunity.
We have been really lucky to have Farnham Heath End come in to school to deliver anti-bullying assemblies to us. They talked to us about the importance of speaking out and about rumours.
Our anti-bullying policy can be found here.