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William Cobbett Primary School

Volunteering In School

Helping out at school can give you a really good insight into the school day and gives you the opportunity to support the work taking place in class. In addition, research has shown that volunteering some of your time helps promote your mental health.

We actively encourage our parents and members of our school community to become involved in supporting the school; there is much you can do to help out.

All volunteers attend a training session in which they will be told about keeping themselves and children safe (Safeguarding) and also be given some training and tips on how to support children with their reading.

Here are some of the ways you can get involved:

· Listening to children read - as part of our volunteer induction session we will give you some guidance on how you can support children with reading.

· Talk with a class about your work or other interests - we often have volunteers come in to show a class their unusual pet or to demonstrate a musical talent.

· Run or support an after-school club - our football club especially is always incredibly popular and we could often do with an extra pair of hands or feet!

· Join in with the working parties which improve the school grounds - there is always work to be done in our wildlife / pond area!

· Help with supervision of school trips - very often we would be unable to run educational visits without your support.

· Become a school governor - have a look at the Governor page on this website to find out more about what this role entails.

· Support events such as the Farnham and Hale Carnivals, which are organised by the school - help is often needed making costumes or decorating a float.

· Help with and support the PTFA (Cobweb) fundraising initiatives- there are many different roles within Cobweb, from treasurer, class reps to simply supporting them by attending their events.


If you are interested in helping out, please email Miss Jackson: mjackson@william-cobbett.surrey.sch.uk