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William Cobbett Primary School

School Meals


 Lunchtime is in safe hands with Twelve15

 Twelve15 is part of Surrey County Council and it has been providing school meals for over 70 years, it feeds thousands of school children daily and is William Cobbett’s caterer.

The children have a choice of main course and dessert and the meals are generally acknowledged to be good. Please see the menu below for further information about school meals.

More About School Meals

Pupils’ wellbeing is at the heart of Twelve15’s recipes.  Every weekday it focuses on providing fresh, healthy, and nutritionally balanced lunches that adhere to Government Food Standards.

80% of meals are made from scratch, using locally source produce whenever possible.

There is a three-week menu cycle, which typically includes three daily hot meal options including a vegetarian offering.  The children have a choice of main course and dessert, alongside fresh bread and a salad bar.

We have our own kitchens, catering staff from Twelve15 cook meals on the premises.

There has long been a positive association between learning outcomes and nutrition. 

Special Diets and Allergies

The school is nut free, as is the kitchen.  Twelve15 has a range of Special Diet menus including Dairy Free and Free from Gluten.  It caters for the 14 key allergens identified by the Food Standards Agency.

Click here for more information and allergen menus.

If your child has any special dietary or nutritional requirements, please contact the school office who will liaise with the catering staff.


FREE school meals for ALL Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils

In 2014 the Government introduced Universal Infant Free School Meals which are free for all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils, reinforcing how important a balanced lunch is. 

 This entitlement is not means tested, it is available regardless of your household income to anyone with a child in these year groups. 

 Please speak to the School Office to register – don’t miss out. 

 Year 3 upwards

 The price per meal is £2.80 which entitles your child to a balanced main course, dessert, fresh bread daily and access to a salad bar.

 School meals for junior pupils must be paid for in advance.  Please pay online via Arbor.  

 Your child may be entitled to a Free School Meal, please speak in confidence to a member of the School Office. 

 Packed Lunch

If you wish your child to bring a packed lunch please provide a clearly named lunch box and an unbreakable container for drink. 


Free School Meals Application Form

Autumn/Winter menu

twelve15 primary menu autumn winter 2024 25.pdf

twelve15 primary autumn winter 2024 25 factsheet.pdf