Our Governors
The Role of the Governing Board
The Governing Board has three main roles:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Our Governors
Chair Of Governors: Mr Nick Somerville nick.somerville@william-cobbett.surrey.sch.uk
Find out more about each of our governors by clicking on their picture.
Governors (ID 1222)
Natasha FisherCo-opted governor
Natasha Fisher
I joined the Governing Board at William Cobbett over 3 years ago as I wanted to support the community where I live, and I enjoy utilising my experience to help make the school the best it can be. I work for a global British-headquartered pharmaceutical company and have held various positions over my tenue in the commercial arena, including being responsible for launching new medicines and vaccines.  I grew up in the UK and spent 10 years living and working in New Zealand. I am a Mum to two primary school aged boys, and live with my husband in central Farnham. My current Governor responsibilities are Maths and RE and I have also previously been responsible for English and Behaviour and Attitudes.
Georgina GillCo-opted governor
Georgina Gill
I am one of the newest members of the Governing Body, joining in 2024.
I am passionate about Education and supporting children to thrive in their learning environments.
I have been a secondary school teacher for the past 20 years and currently work in a local secondary school as Assistant Principal, overseeing SEND.
I have 3 young children, who keep me on my toes! My eldest has started her infant school journey this September which has guided me to explore this role. I look forward to seeing what I can bring to the team!
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Lesley GoodallCo-opted governor
Lesley Goodall
I am a complete newbie to the role of governor and in working within education. My background and work experience has been as a self-employed business consultant with over 25 years of experience working with international airlines and airport authorities in improving business processes using lean six-sigma methodology; work that enabled me to work across different countries and cultures. I retired back in 2019. Despite having many hobbies to keep me occupied, I now feel that I should also use what remains of my active brain on doing something useful and being a governor is of particular interest, especially as I have a granddaughter at the school and a grandson who will hopefully follow her in a couple of years’ time. I am hoping to add value as a Governor around art and performance data.
Jeremy HarrisonCo-opted governor
Jeremy Harrison
I am a co-opted Governor of the school, appointed in January 2021. I have never worked in education. Before fully retiring about 3 years ago I had been in business after which I then ran my own financial consultancy for about 20 years. I find the school environment bracing. As I now have 5 grandchildren, 3 of whom have started in schools in the North of England, I am acutely aware of the importance of a good education which is something that William Cobbett School is providing and as a Governor I look to maintain the school's high standards.
Katrina HowellsCo-opted governor, vice-chair
Katrina Howells
I have been a Governor for over three years. My children are both currently at William Cobbett and it is important to me to be a small part of making children's experiences of the school positive through effective governorship. I am an Occupational Psychologist and I spend my time working with clients in the corporate world coaching both individuals and teams with a focus on well-being and high performance. I spent the first three years as a Governor responsible for inclusion and my focus is now on safeguarding.
Suzi HuntParent governor
Suzi Hunt
I have been a governor for just over a year, originally focusing on Foundation Subjects and now on English. I have two children at William Cobbett Primary School, and I am committed to supporting the school in delivering the best education and enabling all children to thrive. I have over 20 years’ experience working in education in both core and creative subject areas, and I am a Learning Technologies Ambassador, exploring ways in which technology can be used to enhance the curriculum and build valuable life skills. I am currently a Subject Leader in a Multi-Academy Trust, which includes provision across the Junior, Secondary and Sixth Form sectors, allowing me a perspective on progression throughout the education system. I also work for an exam board as an A Level examiner.
Mel JacksonStaff governor
Mel Jackson
Having worked in infant and primary schools for many years, I wanted to learn more about how governing bodies support schools. I have been part of the William Cobbett Primary School Governing board as a staff governor for 3 years. I have found it fascinating, learning and being part of supporting the great journey that the school is on.
Amanda PardoeCo-opted governor
Amanda Pardoe
I am a Deputy Head Teacher at an infant school and have been a staff governor there for 6 years. I recently moved near to William Cobbett and wanted to join the governing board to learn how other school boards operate, as well as being able to share my own educational expertise to help develop the school. In my spare time you will find me renovating my house from top to bottom, reading or walking my goldendoodle, Mabel.
Nick SomervilleChair of Governors
Nick Somerville
I was asked if I would join the Governing Board as I have considerable experience in education, albeit at a secondary level. Since then, I have really enjoyed being involved with the school and, hopefully, being able to make a positive contribution to the lives of the children here at William Cobbett. I taught in maintained and independent schools and recognise that, whilst it is important, there is much more to school than just what happens in the classroom. My interests include old cars, sailing, travelling and flying small aeroplanes. I also spend my time volunteering as a trustee for a couple of charities and as a museum guide.
Andrew StearHeadteacher
Andrew Stear
I am Andrew Stear, the proud Headteacher of the wonderful community at William Cobbett Primary School.I have been a teacher since 2003, a special year for many reasons for me -becoming a teacher, and England winning the Rugby World Cup! I started teaching in East London at a large Primary with a Nursery. It was a multi-faith school with over 800 pupils on roll, lots of different languages and cultures and an amazing atmosphere. Later in my career I was lucky to teach at a school in North London, before buying a house and settling in Surrey. At this point I was Assistant Head of a school in Guildford.When my first child arrived, I was fortunate enough to take some parental leave and even more fortunate to stumble across the opportunity to be a Head of an infant school just 4 miles from home. I am now a Dad to 3 boys.A successful Ofsted and improving results led to the opportunity to take up a secondment with the Local Authority for 12 months as a School Improvement Advisor, which allowed me to visit lots of amazing and different schools, learn from lots of unique and inspiring headteachers and to provide support to other schools where they needed and wanted it.Following this I had seen the William Cobbett position come up once, and was very interested, but my focus needed to remain on the job in hand and so I did not apply as the timing wasn't right. I was delighted to see the position advertised again a short while later and couldn't resist the opportunity to apply. And now, here I am, happy and looking forward to the future of the school, with a supportive and dedicated team of staff, governors and parents.As you may have guessed, I am rugby mad and also love football. With Northampton being where most of my formative years were spent, I closely follow both the Northampton Saints Rugby team and Northampton Town Football Club. In teaching, I have always found myself involved with sports teams, drama productions and after school clubs and really value what these experiences bring to young people. The opportunity to work with children in these instances is hugely rewarding and seeing some children thrive, despite facing challenges elsewhere, is amazing, and something I am keen to continue!
Details of membership of the governing board and individual responsibilities are in the documents below.
Our governing board has two committees: Teaching and Learning and Resources.
2024 2025 william cobbett governing board.pdf
Dates of FGB meetings:
Autumn Term 2024
- Tuesday 24th September 6pm
- Wednesday 16th October 6pm
Spring Term 2025
- Wednesday 19th March 6pm
Summer Term 2025
All FGB meetings are open. If you wish to attend a meeting, please contact our clerk, Jules Williams, at least five days before the meeting: clerk@william-cobbett.surrey.sch.uk