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William Cobbett Primary School

Moving On To Secondary School

Local secondary schools hold open evenings in the Autumn term for parents to visit prior to choosing their child's next school. 

Induction days are held by secondary schools in the Summer term. They will inform parents of the dates.

In the summer term, the Year 6 teachers teach some PSHE sessions to prepare children for moving on to secondary school. We use the Eikon Charity Smart Moves transition booklets to address common questions and worries they tend to have about secondary schools. Staff from the secondary schools come into school to meet the children and will hold an assembly to allow the children to ask questions. Year 6 staff have a thorough handover with key staff from the secondary schools. SEND teams from the relevant schools will ensure they have a handover with our Inclusion team.

If children need it, additional visits and transition sessions can be arranged. The Home-School Link Worker organises the additional transition visits alongside the ELSA. The HSLW also liaises closely with the secondary schools to ensure a smooth transition.